Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards

MODAPTS is fundamentally a tool for analyzing human work to determine reasonable expectations for the time to complete a defined task.

An investigation and review of numerous predetermined time standard systems by a major automobile manufacturer over a period of six (6) years resulted in the selection of MODAPTS as the primary tool to be used to establish production standards.

It was chosen because it is a system that is not complex and therefore simpler to learn than the other systems.

Method analysis of an operation is an inherent feature of the MODAPTS system. This results in a readily verifiable method of documentation useful to the Industrial Engineer, Industrial Relations Personnel and others concerned with operator workloads.

The MODAPTS system lends itself to pre-production analysis of operations in order to establish work station times and cost estimates. Verification of calculated standards by on-floor observation is fast and effective.
Computer Programs - using time input from MODAPTS eliminate the need to manually calculate operator workloads.

U.S.Companies That Use the MODAPTS System:

1110 Lovett Blvd.
Houston, TX

E-Mail: aswarts@

Ph: 713-630-1018
Fax: 713-784-3456