News, Specials & Events

Glock Sport Shooting Foundation League
Match @ Top Gun of Texas
2006 - Check Back for date!
Call, fax,
or e-mail to reserve a prepaid time slot.
Event hours are 10 AM to 3 PM.
Shooters must be
members of GSSF; Glock Sport Shooting Foundation
League, annual fee is $35 and can be paid on
line at www.gssfonline.com or at the range the
day of the shoot.
Entry fee is $20.00 for the
first run (course of fire) and $15.00 each for
additional runs. The course of fire is fifty
(50) rounds per run on our indoor air conditioned
range. Bring your Glock, borrow one from a relative,
or use one of ours.
(Must purchase ammunition from us for free use
of our Glock).
Shoot as many times as you’d like.
You must participate in two
or three days of the event to be eligible for
prizes. Shoot two days, your scores are averaged.
Shoot three days, your best two days scores
are averaged.
The Lewis Prize Allocation System
insures equitable award distribution. Three
classes will be determined, plaques awarded
to the top competitor of each class. See www.gssfonline.com/league/leaguelewisprizeallocatoin.htm
for details.
The grand prize is a Glock Model 19 pistol.
There are many more prizes, shirts, caps, jackets,
Everyone has an equal chance of winning prizes!
Fax this completed page to: 713-953-1827
Address: ________________________________
City, State, Zip:__________________________________
Pay by: Circle one: Visa,
MC, Discover, AMEX #_______________________________________
Expires: ___________ / ___________________
Date of Shoot circle : 7/16
8/20 9/17 Time Desired: _______
# of Runs____
GSSF Member? Yes No ID#________
Join now? Click
Total Due: ($20 for first run,
$15 each for later runs)=____________ |