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Swarts Engineering
is a consulting firm dedicated to applying traditional industrial engineering methods to improve profitability and the quality of work life for all. We subscribe to the old saw, "Work Smarter, Not Harder."

One of our most important missions is to help people with disabilities achieve a quality of life, as near that of other people, as is humanly possible.

Industrial Engineers have a large chest of tools to accomplish their goals. Methods Engineering simplifies tasks, eliminating unnecessary - and often tiring - tasks. Work Measurement quantifies results to justify investments. Ergonomics aids in matching the worker with the work environment. All of these tools work together to improve the employer’s bottom line without putting the burden on the workers - even those with disabilities.

1110 Lovett Blvd.
Houston, TX

E-Mail: aswarts@

Ph: 713-630-1018
Fax: 713-784-3456