the one program from the list that will work for you right
now. You can change programs at any time as long as we change
in monthly increments (not mid-month). Each program is described
as to what it includes, as well as guidelines for how to determine
which one will work for you. The guidelines are just that.
If you're not sure, let's discuss and find what's right for
- Customized
program for business owners and practitioners
Typically includes my being on-site, phone sessions and
one-on-one meetings with owners and/or staff (6
hours per month)
Your office or home
Additional hours are at $115.00/hour
program works when:
The owner(s) and coach collaborate as partners to
define needs, goals and success measures
The coach has access to owner(s), business processes,
staff and other business information e.g. financials,
processes, procedures, etc.
The coach may also perform as consultant and contributor.
I may recommend that some processes or activities
be outsourced or performed within the business.
In addition, I may create deliverables myself, such
as documentation, procedures, "mini-systems"
and management reports as appropriate within the
allotted time.
1-hour in-person sessions per month
This program will work for you if:
You achieve results through personal interaction
- You
can commit to a meeting time and place, which usually
requires more planning than a phone call
45-minute phone sessions per month
program will work for you if:
- You
achieve results through verbal interaction
- You
can commit to one 45-minute session per week, during
normal work hours
and Attitude Assessments ($165/per person)
Complete assessments for Style Analysis and
Personal Interests, Attitude and Values (PIAV).
Add these valuable assessments to any program as
further evidence of WHO you are.
DISC (style analysis): This comprehensive report
will help you discover qualities about yourself
that could be the key to opening new doors of opportunity.
You will be able to better understand your work
and/or management styles from the information provided
and develop an action plan that can enhance your
personal and professional growth.
PIAV: (Personal Interests, Attitude and Values)
Personal values are those interests, goals and preferences
that guide our lives and careers. This instrument
is designed to help you determine which particular
area of preference is most important to you.
Note Platinum Package - time for debriefing these
assessments is not included in the 6-hour program.
For all other packages, the scheduled session times
will be used for debriefing as it makes sense to
work in.