12506 Wrenthorpe Dr.
Houston, Tx 77031
Ph. Matthew Gardner: 281-832-814-8458

Map from this location to Super Bowl

9 miles from Reliant Stadium

  • 9 miles, 19 minutes from Reliant stadium
  • 2500 sq.ft 4-bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 2 car garage home
  • completely renovated; furnished and all appliances
  • new carpet and terrazzo tile; excellent condition
  • fireplace; formal living and dining areas
  • television
  • 5-day minimum; $2,000 per day
  • Deposit of 1/2 down through bank transfer; balance due upon check-in, not out
  • Optional Limo and Maid services- available for $1,000 per day additional; more details